Monday, January 25, 2010

A Lesson Learned

Unless you're an anti-sports nincompoop or fasting from any kind of media intake what-so-ever, you've heard the table is set for the Indianapolis Colts to play the New Orleans Saints. I expected the Colts to pass through the playoffs unscathed, as they did. They had little trouble with the Ravens and left the Jets with a "but if only" response to the critics of coach Rex Ryan wondering why they weren't picked to win out through the playoffs. The NFC was a different story. To skip the unneeded nonsense, we knew the old man from the North would lead his team to the "Who Dat Nation" of the South. Favre was under pressure, if he didn't make it this year he'd prob never get a chance because of his likelihood to retire... Who the hell really cares about Favre, he choked, the Vikings lost the game, retire, end of story. I had $50 on the game, and serves me right for choosing the damned Purple Paraders. Simple logic would have won me this gamble. It has nothing to do with one team having the highest scoring offense or the other having the decrepit "4" at the helm. No, a school child could have told us that good beats evil, enough said. No stat's, no plays, no pads. History tells us Vikings had success... at raping, pillaging, and conquering the poor. Hence evil. Saints on the other hand were those in God's graces, living a life of righteousness, exactly what comes to mind when thinking of the city of New Orleans... They're Saints in any case, and this was just another classic example of the good always winning. So enjoy it N.O., you're the good guys, but remember when you "go marching in" to Miami in two weeks, Payton doesn't shive a git about good and evil, "Who Dat" gonna get knocked flat.


  1. Alright alright, number 4 is probably choked I'll give you that. But you have to admit...would have been a whole lot cooler if he won!

  2. Serves you right for betting on the game....
